Thursday, October 13, 2011

North Texas

A sampling of unique perspectives of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and North Texas area:

Longhorns, Stockyards Historical District, Fort Worth, 2011

Fort Worth skyline, from Trinity Park, 2007

Victory Plaza, the AAC and the W Hotel, Dallas, 2010

Downtown skyline from the north, Fort Worth, 2006

Dallas skyline, framed by opening in parking garage wall, 2010

 Stockyards Historical District, Fort Worth, 2007

Reunion Tower, Dallas, 2010

Windmills, north of Fort Worth, 2008

Frog Fountain, Texas Christian University campus,
 Fort Worth, 2010

Dallas skyline, from field south of Trinity River, 2010

Fort Worth downtown skyline reflected in the window facade of the Amon
 Carter  Museum of American Art, 2007

Trumpeter, Bass Hall facade, from street level, 2006

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